Galaxy Beach Class with Pinot's Palette

Pinot's Palette

Paint galactic skies over a calm and peaceful beach. Guests enjoy a no-experience-required art class - all supplies included - directed by trained, local artists, who guide guests step-by-step through a featured painting. Some classes may go past scheduled times to allow everyone to have painting they will love.


08/27/2021 7:00pm - 08/27/2021 9:00pm


3823 East Main Street St Charles, IL 60174

$35   Register here

Guests enjoy a no-experience-required art class—all supplies included—directed by trained, local artists, who guide guests step-by-step through a featured painting. Some classes may go past scheduled times to allow everyone to have painting they will love.

Rather do Virtual? Type VIRTUAL in the discount code box in the registration screen. Receive a $5.00 discount and we will know you want to paint with us from home. You will need to pick up a kit at the studio no later than one hour prior to the class start time.